Wonderful Gravitation Formulas Class 11

G is the gravitational constant.
Gravitation formulas class 11. Gravitation is one of the four classes of interactions found in nature. In the above formula. Important formulas of Gravitation Class 11 Physics JEE NEET.
Important notes are also helpful for revision when you have less time and have to study many topics. This is a complete set of notes of Gravitation which is a part of Physics syllabus for NEET JEE. Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion.
Revision Notes on Gravitation and Projectile Gravitation-Keplers first law law of elliptical orbit-A planet moves round the sun in an elliptical orbit with sun situated at one of its fociKeplers second law law of areal velocities-A planet moves round the sun in such a way that its areal velocity is constant. Johannes Kepler formulated three laws which describe planetary motion. Gravitation Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 8.
In Todays NEET Physics lecture we will know practice physics formula based questions on part 2 of Gravitation Class 11 Physics Chapter 8 in a new series cal. Learn the concepts of Class 11 Physics Gravitation with Videos and Stories. I Law of orbits.
The direction of the force will be an attraction. Work Power and Energy. Keplers third law law of time period-A planet moves round the sun.
Important Points about Gravitation Force. The value of G is 667 X 10-11 Nm2 kg-2 and is same throughout the universe. The value of G is independent of the nature and size of the bodies well as the nature of the medium between them.